Saturday, April 10, 2010

Big Eaters Need to Read This

I’m about to go out and have some Thanksgiving dinner with my family
… Mmmmmm, thinking of all the yumminess that will come to my
Stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy…. all the succulent good stuff!
Now, the following applies to anyone who eats a huge meal without
thinking about it.
Just don’t forget a few things guys:
1. Drink a glass of water before you splurge. Trust me, this will
regular how much you binge eat.
2. Take a walk sometime after you eat. It will definitely help
your digestion
3. Make sure you eat slow and ENJOY! This regulates how you feel
fullness. It also helps you from gaining excessive weight.
These are my tips to keep in mind…. because I myself am quite
a binge eater - in the past and even today!
Ciao and seeya soon!
H Miracle Cure

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